
Mar 17
New Pedagogies for Deep Learning Global Challenge Series

On March 11th, the New Pedagogies for Deep Learning Global Partnership kicked off its inaugural challenge in the Global Challenge Series, an initiative encouraging teachers to jointly participate in a deep learning activity using the Collaborative Inquiry Cycle and other New Pedagogies for Deep Learning tools to guide the design and implementation of a global deep learning experience taking place in their local classrooms.

During these four-week Global Challenges, teachers will be connecting with peers from around the world to share their thoughts, experiences and questions both on the Deep Learning Hub and during weekly webinars. Once findings have been submitted and shared globally, students will be able to see how others engaged in the deep learning experience and created new knowledge to solve a real-life problem.

The Australian cluster is leading and piloting the first Global Challenge, which explores the impact of learning environments on learning outcomes.​​

Jan 30
Deeper than Knowledge

The New Pedagogies for Deep Learning Global Partnership and Discourse Media are happy to announce the launch of Deeper than Knowledge, a digital journalism project documenting the journey, ideas and impact of New Pedagogies for Deep Learning.

Drawing from the thousands of students and hundreds of schools at the forefront of the deep learning movement, Deeper than Knowledge aims to "contribute to constructive public dialogue about improving education by telling the inside story about how schools and communities are transforming learning." New Pedagogies for Deep Learning clusters are located in six countries spread all across the globe. Follow their journey into deep learning that is irresistible and purposeful to the lives of all students.

Link to Deeper than Knowledge.

Jan 07
CAA Webinar: Lessons Learned from Large-Scale Implementation of Non-Cognitive Assessments

On January 13th at 1:00pm (US PST), the Collaborative Assessment Alliance will be hosting its first webinar of 2015, "Lessons Learned from Large-Scale Implementation of Non-Cognitive Assessments."

The webinar will feature Chris Gabrieli and Sara Bartolino, co-founders of Transform​ing Education, who will present and lead discussion on the implementation of social-emotional (non-cognitive) competencies into school accountability systems, highlighting the implications of early implementation strategies and results. Select school systems are experiencing success by reimagining accountability as a more holistic and formative tool. The lessons learned from their approach will help guide the implementation of non-cognitive assessments for systems looking to incorporate them in their own schools.

Follow this link to register for the event.

Oct 20
The Deep Learning Lab

The Deep Learning Lab will be hosted from 20-23 October in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. During this four-day event, Cluster Teams and government, business, academic and non-profit partners in the New Pedagogies for Deep Learning Global Partnership will meet to develop deep learning experiences centered on student and teacher engagement.

Participants will have the opportunity to design capacity building plans suited to their individual contexts, increase their capacity for change leadership, and better their understanding of the deep learning process as it pertains to both students and teachers.

Deep learning involves the creation of new knowledge necessary in solving real-world problems to which answers are not readily available or easily found. Through collaborative sharing around experiences and ideas, participants in the Deep Learning Lab will have the opportunity to create, learn deeply, and collectively advance the efforts of the New Pedagogies for Deep Learning partnership.

Follow the event and keep up with each day's activities @NewPedagogies.

Oct 01
Assessing Deep Learning

During the latest Collaborative Assessment Alliance webinar, Jim Wynn shared a math problem he came across in a classroom in India:

Sanjay was given 150 rupees by his dad as a gift. He spent 50% on a present for his grandma, 25% on a street child project, and he decided to save the rest. How much did he spend on his grandma, how much did he spend on the street child project, and how much did he save, and do you agree with what he did?

Because of this simple addition to the question, what starts out looking like a traditional math problem with a fixed solution quickly becomes an opportunity for Deep Learning. Students must now think critically and creatively around a real-world problem, building character and developing citizenship while reflecting on and sharing their views on how the money is best spent or saved. Through collaborative discussion on the question, students communicate their views and learn by listening to the views of classmates, thereby strengthening and further developing their own ways of thinking. Not your typical math problem.

Assessing answers to Deep Learning problems requires a level of professional judgment. In the words of Peter Hill, "this should be regarded as a positive, not a negative." We rely on professional judgment in so many aspects of our lives, so why not in education? The time for Deep Learning is now, and the time has come to trust teachers in assessing more than the sum of 1+1.

Sep 08
CAA Webinar: Enabling Feedback and Assessment

​The Collaborative Assessment Alliance is excited to announce our upcoming webinar, “Enabling Feedback and Assessment,” which will be hosted on September 24, 2014 (8:00-9:00am: Seattle, United States; 4:00-5:00pm: London, England). Jim Wynn, CEO of Imagine Education, will present and lead discussion on the current state of assessment in education, emphasizing the necessary change that will shape the role of assessment in measuring Deep Learning skills.

To date, the Collaborative Assessment Alliance has hosted five webinars seen by nearly 200 education leaders in 50 countries. We encourage all education leaders and those interested in collaborative assessment to join us to learn about and discuss this important topic. Click HERE to register, and follow @CAA_21skills to keep up on information, news and updates surrounding this and other webinars.

Aug 21
New Pedagogies for Deep Learning Hub

The Deep Learning Hub is the communications and collaboration platform for the New Pedagogies for Deep Learning Global Partnership initiative.

The Hub provides documents, presentations, videos, recordings, templates and other resources to New Pedagogies for Deep Learning clusters across the globe so that they will have all the necessary tools required for implementing new pedagogies in their own schools. On top of its role as a resource repository, the Deep Learning Hub's primary goal is to enable communication, dialog and sharing among those involved in the project. We will all learn the quickest and most effectively if we are committed to learning together. With this in mind, both intra and inter-cluster sharing and communication are essential in allowing global progress and development.

Hub access is available for those teachers and educators in schools and clusters participating in the New Pedagogies for Deep Learning Global Partnership. We encourage those of you who have access to the Deep Learning Hub to visit regularly and commit yourself to posting thoughts, comments and content, and to actively communicating with other participants in the Partnership through the discussion forums. Engaging with others on the Hub will facilitate the same collaborative learning process we set out to cultivate from the very beginning of the New Pedagogies for Deep Learning journey.

Each and every one of us, Hub member or not, can support New Pedagogies for Deep Learning by talking about, sharing and promoting our collective efforts with the aim of raising awareness about this important work. We will dedicate ourselves to sharing information through our website, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and any other means available. We hope you will dedicate yourself to the same so that, together, we can change the world.​

Aug 18
​Innovative Assessment of Collaboration

Teamwork and collaboration are essential components of everyday work and life. In today's globalized and highly interconnected world, we all must possess the collaborative skills required to succeed in our workplaces and communities. Although collaboration is everywhere, the measures capable of evaluating and assessing the collaborative process are difficult to come by, and even more difficult to develop.

In order to address the growing need for effective collaborative assessment, the Education Testing Service (ETS) is hosting a two-day working meeting designed to expose stakeholders to multiple expert perspectives, consequently furthering thinking on possibilities and best practices in this under-developed realm. The meeting will unite researchers engaged in fields from organizational teaming and educational collaboration to gaming and simulation.

We hope you will consider attending and exposing yourself to the leading edge in collaborative assessment.

More on the event can be found here.

Aug 11
The Purpose of Education

Education serves a number of purposes for a number of people. Some view education as essential preparation for life and work. Others maintain that education is necessary for instilling general knowledge about history, math, science and other subjects that students must understand in order to interact within various cultures and societies. Still others embrace education as a provider of daycare or socialization services for their children. John Dewey had a slightly different take on the purpose of education:

"Since education is not a means to living, but is identical with the operation of living a life which is fruitful and inherently significant, the only ultimate value which can be set up is just the process of living itself. And this is not an end to which studies and activities are subordinate means; it is the whole of which they are ingredients."

It only took a near century, but thanks to people like Michael Fullan (see Education PLUS), Dewey's words are finally catching on. The purpose of education is widely misunderstood and underappreciated, and we need people like Dewey and Fullan to remind us that education is not a finite process through and beyond which we must push ourselves or others, but rather a lifelong process in which our lives are made whole. When recognized as lifelong and ubiquitous, there is no limit to education's power in shaping "fruitful" and "inherently significant" lives.

The distinction between life and education persists only so long as educational practices and pedagogies reflect its existence. New pedagogies can eliminate this discord by replacing it with a sense of harmony from the very beginning of the formative process. Since skills such as character, citizenship, collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking are essential all throughout life, the learning of these skills is consistent with setting up the "ultimate value" proposed by Dewey: learning how to live.

Although almost a hundred years have passed since Dewey's observation, the tools required in responding to its call are available as never before. New pedagogies driven by technology are wholly capable of combating disinterest, boredom and other barriers to lifelong learning. As a result of the current collision between human desire and technological capability, we now stand at an inflection point from which the purpose of education can be realized not only in theory, but in action as well.​

Jul 29
Education PLUS

​In Education PLUS, Michael Fullan and Geoff Scott explore the effect of education in the new pedagogies on the human being. Rather than only impacting learning in the classroom, the new pedagogies enable all learners to lead lives of constant growth, discovery and ethical action both during and beyond formal education. The act of learning is no longer confined within an established period marked by a fixed beginning and end. Instead, learning is lifelong and endlessly important in the navigation of a complex world that necessitates problem solving, creativity and innovation.

Fullan and Scott's notion of "Ethical Entrepreneurialism" emphasizes the marriage between learning and action made possible as a result of the new pedagogies. These new learning modes shatter the distinction between learning and doing and cultivate a new fluidity between "learning, doing, knowing, adapting, inventing and living." This new form of entrepreneurialism is not just about making money, but rather developing and embracing a rich understanding of complex, global challenges and acting to precipitate their resolution.

Education in the new pedagogies will profoundly impact human evolution. Our development as a species depends on our ability to change and adapt in the face of threats to human progression and advancement. Therefore, education must change to become a vehicle through which all learners develop the capacity for perpetual learning demanded by an ever-changing world.

Click here to read the paper in its entirety.

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